Monday, August 13, 2012

Plane Ride To Seattle

        Plane Ride To Seattle(Older Blog)
        Some would say "The day was startin off right." I had a bit of a different point of view. The sun was out, I hate the sun it just burns me, and makes me want to take my shirt off. Its sadistic really, the fuckin sun. We just left Phoenix where the sun was showing off its hottest moves. I hate the sun.
However now we are on the plane to Seattle, and I couldn't be more... happy. I am staring at a picture of Zooey Deschanel too, so I guess I can't go wrong. She is so cute. My little brother just got back from the bathroom and as he usually does is commenting about each and every little thing that had to do with it the main point being that "It's small". Now he is wearing a neck pillow backwards, he is such a strange boy.
My Mom is the reason I was staring at a picture of Zooey Deschanel, she bought the new issue of "Glamour". Its a strange magazine, but hey it is full of beautiful women so im not going to judge. Im thinking about Jennifer Lawrence, god I love Jennifer Lawrence. She is the opitomy of the term "Babe". The girl that is behind me looks kind of like Jennifer Lawrence I want to say something, but I am a pussy. Oh well I guess its just another lost oppourtuinty. Anyway back to Katniss...I mean Jennifer Lawrence...Fuck I forgot what I was saying.

The flight attendants on this plane are rather, over enthusiastic. Always smiling, and rather optimistic. Knowing that at any moment something could go awry with one of the engines and we could all crash and burn I cant say that I share there optimism. I am not afraid of air planes, I am afraid of nature. Nature has this funny way of doing things to me, unspeakable things. So I shant speak of them. I am thinking about work for some reason, about making drinks, and how I hate all the customers, except for the cute girl that works at starbucks, about how as soon as I get back from my glorious vacation that I will have to work two days in a row. I should really cut work from my mind. Although I wouldn't mind a "Kangaroo" right now. Unfortunately airplanes aren't smart enough to carry Boba Tea. Oh well.
My little brother just informed me that he may or may not have farted. I smell the fart Sam, I am on to you. The stench was vile enough to immediately make me throw my shirt over my nose. I know it was him, he even somewhat admitted to it. By saying "Maybe I did I cant really tell." Such a strange boy.
My mom just informed me that I need to keep my legs moving...while I am sitting. So I don't get blood clots, team common sense you just lost a point. My shoes are really tight though, and it is a bit irritating, however we must be close by now I feel like I have been writing for at least an hour. So once we get to Seattle I will have a cigarette, and take my shoes off. Forgetting all about the plane ride and just enjoying the weather, and smoke. I am going to close my laptop now.

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